Suicidal Tendencies - Controlled By Hatred / Feel Like Shit... Deja-Vu - Indie Exclusive - Fruit Punch
This Suicidal Tendencies album is divided into two segments, with "Controlled by Hatred" on side A and "Feel Like Shit… Déjà Vu" on side B. It includes songs recorded by ST side projects No Mercy and Los Cycos, along with two distinct renditions of "How Will I Laugh Tomorrow" from 1988's "How Will I Laugh Tomorrow When I Can't Even Smile Today" (the video edit and a softer "heavy emotion version"). Additionally, the album features two exclusive tracks not found elsewhere
A1 Controlled By Hatred
A2 Choosing My Own Way Of Life
A3 Feel Like Shit...Deja Vu
A4 It's Not Easy
A5 How Will I Laugh Tomorrow (Heavy Emotion Version)
B1 Master Of No Mercy
B2 How Will I Laugh Tomorrow (Video Edit)
B3 Just Another Love Song
B4 Waking The Dead